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In Our Own Hands: A Strategy for Conserving California's Biological Diversity

In Praise of Prambanan

In Search of the Swan Maiden A Narrative on Folklore and Gender /

In the Eye of the Beholder What Six Nineteenth-century Women Tell Us About Indigenous Authority and Identity /

In the Eye of the Storm Jai Ram Reddy and the Politics of Postcolonial Fiji /

In the Lands of the Romanovs: An Annotated Bibliography of First-hand English-language Accounts of the Russian Empire (1613-1917)

In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business /

In the Shadow of the Eagles: Sonora and the Transformation of the Border During the Porfiriato

In the wake of Bartók in Anatolia

In Their Own Words Voices of Jihad- Compilation and Commentary /